About Us

Jackson Heights Bangladeshi Business Association. At A Glance

Jackson Heights Bangladeshi Business Association is a non-political, non-profitable, non-religious and professional organization. Jackson Heights Bangladeshi Business Association Inc. is an organization of Bangladeshi businesses located in Jackson Heights, New York. The Jackson Heights Bangladeshi Business Association is an association of and for working Bangladeshi businessman and professionals. The Association is a private, non-profit organization and is not affiliated with any government office or agency and does not advocate or participate in any political activity.

Jackson Heights Bangladeshi Business Association will operate in NY. Businessman and professionals of Bangladesh origin are eligible for membership of the organization. Subscriptions by members and contributions by individuals or organizations will create fund for running the organization.

According to its constitution Jackson Heights Bangladeshi Business Association has an Executive Committee consists of eleven (35) officials. Out of them there are one President, one General Secretary, seven Vice-President, two Joint Secretary, one Treasurer, one Organizing Secretary, one Publicity Secretary and four Executive members.


Jackson Heights Bangladeshi Business Association NYC (JBBA) is a professional organization of members Jackson Height Bangladeshi Businesses. It devotes its efforts to meeting the needs and interests of professional Businessman and those in related fields, as well as providing public service to the community.

This Jackson Heights Bangladeshi Business Association NYC (JBBA) was founded in August , 1997 at Jackson Heights, New York. Today its membership includes professionals from all types of organizations including the Web, television, radio, daily newspapers, weekly and monthly publications, as well as professionals from the fields of accountings, travels and so on.

The principal aim of the Jackson Heights Bangladeshi Business Association NYC (JBBA) is to build a strong network among Bangladeshi Businesses and Professionals who are working and esblished in the Jackson Heights, New York, USA.


The Jackson Heights Bangladeshi Business Association NYC (JBBA) is a professional organization of members Jackson Height Bangladeshi Businesses. It devotes its efforts to meeting the needs and interests of professional Businessman and those in related fields, as well as providing public service to the community.

This Jackson Heights Bangladeshi Business Association NYC (JBBA) was founded in August , 1997 at Jackson Heights, New York. Today its membership includes professionals from all types of organizations including the Web, television, radio, daily newspapers, weekly and monthly publications, as well as professionals from the fields of accountings, travels and so on.

The principal aim of the Jackson Heights Bangladeshi Business Association NYC (JBBA) is to build a strong network among Bangladeshi Businesses and Professionals who are working and esblished in the Jackson Heights, New York, USA.

Activity of Bangladesh Dental Association of North America INC

  • Exchange of ideas about news and views in USA and Bangladesh with people, persons, and organizations.
  • Protect the rights of Bangladeshi journalists who are working in the various Bangladeshi community newspapers/media.
  • Give reception to visiting journalists, editors, writers, and government officials from Bangladesh.
  • Meet and greet local elected officials.
  • Provide Bangladeshi community free, honest, accurate and timely information.
  • To open the door of mutual assistance and cooperation assimilating all the Bangladesh-origin Media Professionals.
  • To maintain and promote friendly relations between the Bangladeshi Media Professionals and with other nationalities living in the USA.
  • To convey clear and distinct idea and knowledge to our next generation regarding the tradition, culture, heritage and values of Bangladesh; viz., teaching them Bengali language, directly involve them with the Bangladeshi culture and give them accurate knowledge regarding the value of family bondage of Bangladesh.
  • To keep all the Bangladeshis informed about the political, social and economic changes of our country and the world.
  • To collect relief and fund (money) for the distressed Media Professionals.
  • To motivate the Bangladeshi Media Professionals to directly involve and participate in the social, well being, humanitarian and legal activities of USA.
  • To assist and cooperate the Bangladeshi Media Professionals regarding immigration issue.
  • To stand beside the newly immigrated Bangladeshi Media Professionals to redress their problems and provide them required suggestions.
  • To organize training, seminar, session, discussions to make the Bangladeshi Media Professionals skilled and get better job.


  • Jackson Heights Bangladeshi Business Association works to protect the rights of all reporters while providing networking opportunities for journalists and professional communicators to discuss professional issues and affect change.
  • Lectures, panel discussions, newsmaker appearances and other Jackson Heights Bangladeshi Business Association NYC (JBBA) sponsored functions have covered such topics as threats to freedom of the press, the various threats to investigative reporting, the relationship between the media and government, the role of community newspapers, foreign press coverage, and questions about how the press covers itself. The club also sponsors debates – open to all members and broadcast live – among candidates.
  • The Jackson Heights Bangladeshi Business Association NYC (JBBA) provides assistance and support to journalists faced with legal problems about news. Additionally, the club maintains a liaison with various government agencies whose actions directly affect working journalists in such matters as the issuing of Working Press credentials.
  • The annual Jackson Heights Bangladeshi Business Association (JBBA) Journalism Awards are a long-standing tradition in New York media, honoring excellence in journalism by writers and reporters who are recognized as being among the best in their fields. The Awards and Installation (annual) Dinner at which the year’s awards are formally presented is a highlight on community and socially.
  • Our annual Journalism Conference, traditionally staged in, has long been recognized as the premier event of community. In addition to numerous conference tracks and break-outs that feature respected working journalists, experts and academics, the conference offers other elements of useful interest to all.
  • The opportunities of membership in the Jackson Heights Bangladeshi Business Association (JBBA), professional and otherwise, are boundless – regulated only by the enthusiasm and energy of individual members.

Membership Categories

General Member

Businessman currently working in print, broadcast or Web news media with at least six months experience in the New York area. Professional Businessman of print, broadcast and online media will qualify as primary members of the Club. Primary members shall have the right to participate in all activities of the organization. They are eligible to vote and contest election of the Club. Fee: $60/year.

Associate Member

Businessman and other workers of print, broadcast and online media and writers, and columnists, either working now or had worked previously in the USA or any other part of the world, are eligible to be associate members of the organization. Fee: $90/year.

Life Member

Businessman and other workers of print, broadcast and online media; and writers, columnists, either working now or had worked previously, and those who are contributing or had contributed significantly to the development of journalism in the USA or any other part of the world, are eligible for being Life Member of the organization, provided two-thirds of the Executive Committee members approve the same. Life members will be inducted through formal ceremonies. Such members will be allowed to participate in all activities and to enjoy all benefits of the Club, except voting for and contesting election.